Do enough damage to lower defense, exit personal ships, storm the bridge, destroy internal defense along the way(Maybe defense deco, droids), win whatever prize. More elaborate, maybe unrealistic would be GSF/Warzone mix. More expansions could mean more damage, defense, buffs, debuffs. Not sure what it would be, maybe who can do more damage to the other guildship first wins something. Building up the Guild Ship as another ship in a new GSF match type. Not sure if this should be in GSF but I doubt anyone would consider it, so I'll put it here. I know I'm being too technical for throwing something together for just decoration but if it's 800 meters long, 433 meters wide, and 151 meters high, it leaves plenty of options. The engine room has the lower rear of the ship to be added to and there's the large base sections with the side hangars and the very front you can see from the hangar has room. One huge docking bay would be nice as the ones we have seem small and no room to play with. There is easily another docking bay underneath the one we have along with the 2 on the side.

Watching the cut scene and traveling to the Ziost Shadow for a better look on the outside, there is a lot of potential. It also seems like the entire area we can unlock is located in the very top of the Harrower except for the hangar and Engine room. There are 2 doors on the office deck that don't open, 1 in the engine room along with the on the side of spawn on the bridge. There seems to be a lot of room for expanding on the Dreadnaught. I'll mention Imperial but the Republic side is the same. If people can solo a guildship unlock and expand it, the goal line should be moved down a bit more. It would be another credit sink for the game along with giving people reason to hunt the named commanders more along with a purpose for giving out the weekly rewards. New strongholds and expanding existing ones should be first but doing the same for Guildships would be still be a nice addition. In the area of strongholds, this is low priority, as it should be.